Hive World is a HomeworldHomeworlds in Rogue Trader are the possible planets from which the player character can originate. The choice of homeworld adds extra bonuses to your characters, such as additional Talents, Abilities, and bonuses to different Characteristics. Hive World is

is a homeworld the favours fighting in party, it provides bonuses to Fellowship and Agility but reduces Willpower



A hive world's population is so dense that great swathes of the surface of the world are Frequently covered in gargantuan cities bejewelled with towering spires that pierce the atmosphere. Hive worlds are vital to the welfare of the Imperium and are the beating heart of its economy and war machine. They produce munitions For the Emperors armies in vast manufactories, mine valuable minerals, and reline Fuel for the Imperial Navy. Innumerable regiments of the Astra Militarum are raised from their massive populations as well. 

Hive World Information Rogue Trader

Hive World will provide the following Features:

Strength in Numbers

Hive World will provide the following bonuses to Characteristics:


Hive World will provide the following Talents:


Rogue Trader Hive World Tips & Notes

  • Notes & Tips go here


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