

Char Modifiers

Perception +5
Willpower +5

Skill Modifiers

Lore (Warp) +5
Awareness +5

Navigator is an OriginOrigins in Rogue Trader are the possible occupations that the player character practised before becoming Lord Captain. The choice of Origin adds extra bonuses to your characters, such as additional TalentsAbilities, and bonuses to different Characteristics. Navigator can't be selected for the Rogue Trader but if you permanently remove Cassia Orsellio the Origin will become available for custom companions.


Navigator Information Rogue Trader

Navigator will provide the following Features:

  • N/A

Navigator will provide the following bonuses to Characteristics:


Navigator will provide the following bonuses to Skills:


Navigator will provide the following bonuses to Talents:




Rogue Trader Navigator Tips & Notes

  • Notes and tips go here...



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