Pasqal Haneumann

pasqal headshot rogue trader wiki guide 150
Origin Tech-Priest
Archetype Operative
Homeworld Forge World
Conviction Dogmatic - Adherent

Pasqal Haneumann is a Companion in Rogue TraderPasqal Haneumann is an Operator venerable Magos of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Companions assist players by joining their party and have their own backstories, motivations as well as unique Features and Traits. Each Companion starts the game with their own Equipment, and Classes.


Everything that bears the blessed seal of machinery comes from our hands, and it is we who make sure the operating rituals are performed as they were meant to. We are everywhere — we are the Mars-forged steel bars that give the Imperium strength.


Pasqal Haneumann Builds guide Rogue Trader

  • Pasqal Haneumann build guide goes here.


Pasqal Haneumann unique Ability

  • machine spirit communion abilities rogue trader wiki guide (2)64pxMachine Spirit Communion


How to recruit Pasqal Haneumann in Rogue Trader

  • Pasqal Haneumann can be recruited during Chapter 1. Players have to complete Machine Spirit Keeper


Pasqal Haneumann Starting equipment in Rogue Trader

Pasqal Haneumann joins the party with the following equipment:


Pasqal Haneumann Starting abilities and talents


  • Spin Around
  • Shortcut



Pasqal Haneumann General Information

  • Pasqal Haneumann can equip one two-handed melee weapon and one two-handed ranged weapon simultaneously but cannot be given a secondary set of weapons
  • Pasqal Haneumann has three character development paths: Discontinuation, Continuation and Amarnat
  • Players can determine which 2nd Archetype they want him to have. Players can choose between Assassin, Bounty Hunter, and Grand Strategist


Pasqal Haneumann Companion Quests


Pasqal Haneumann Notes & Tips

  • Pasqal is one of the companions with exceptional unique talents to consider in addition to the archetype options.  His ranged plasma perks combine to devastating effect, and his communion and melee talent damage is huge.
  • Its easy to overlook but Pasqal has a -30 to lore skills even though he has great int so he is not a catch all for these skills.


Pasqal Haneumann Lore

A Child of Mars

There are few honors greater for those under the Adeptus Mechanicus banner than being able to serve and further the unending quest for knowledge. Said prestige often falls to those afforded the right to join the vaunted brotherhood of the Explorators. Pasqal Haneumann is one such individual, a capable and ambitious seeker of truth who has made his mark upon those within his order.

He was a proud child of Mars and upheld the prestige of hailing from the Mechanicus’ ancestral home in everything he did. To do so, he dabbled in multiple disciplines until attaining the lofty rank and title of Magos. But this was only one step on the path toward absolution for him.

When he attained the rank, he found and became a pupil of a truly enlightened priest among the clergy. His newfound mentor was of unparalleled genius. Yet that genius, which made even Pasqal’s vast memory unit seem paltry in comparison, was a danger and might well have caused a schism. Something happened, a revelation or a shift in the doctrinal spectrum of the explorator fleet Pasqal was a member of that would have caused a schism. And when the Mechanicus schisms, titans walk.

In order to contemplate this new development, to discern what move was best to take, Pasqal pulled away from his brothers and sisters among the machine cult aboard a remote void station in a system explored and monitored by his fleet. Until, at least, a cryptic message from his one-time mentor found its way to him and galvanized him to return to the Expanse in search of him.

However, he could not do what he needed to do alone.

Frailties of Flesh

Within the Adeptus Mechanicus, relationships and intimacy have taken on radically different forms from what might be recognizable by layman outsiders. They have transcended many of the deceits and distractions of meager flesh. Found ways to rely upon the certainty of metal, using technology to remove themselves from what they might consider base and primitive desires. And Pasqal Haneumann is no exception to this.

He will respond to neither a man nor a woman’s romantic advances.

The Cult Mechanicus

If the labyrinthine and twisting nature of the Ecclesiarchy might overwhelm or confuse the everyday man of the Imperium, then the kaleidoscopic fractal nature of the Cult Mechanicus and its evershifting landscape would drive lesser men mad from the effort of trying to parse their internal workings. But their devotion to the Machine God, the Omnissiah, and His living avatar, the God-Emperor of Mankind, are foremost amongst their religious dogma. And so does their devotion go, to the Master of Mankind and His domain within the Imperium.

As a diehard fanatic and adherent to the Machine God, Pasqal might be considered an Adherent of the Dogmatic school of thought.

Pasqal Haneumann Companion Quest

It is then fortuitous for Pasqal that, in his pursuit of his mentor, he would chance an encounter with a Rogue Trader on the planet Rykard Minoris where the last known position of his mentor. With this auspicious meeting, Pasqal now has an opportunity to accompany an individual of great political and militant power who can help him with his vital mission. And, thankfully for the tech-priest, the Lord Captain of the von Valancius dynasty was in desperate need of a new prime enginseer for their ship.

Together, they carve a path through the planet and discover that while his mentor was here and had spread his teachings to the priesthood present on Rykard Minoris, he was no longer present. In the process, however, Pasqal and the Rogue Trader found several inconsistencies between what the tech-priest thought he knew and what they had learned in the process. But while there was no satisfying resolution to be found, it did assure continued cooperation.

An enginseer prime for the dynasty and an anchor by which to moor Pasqal amid a growing storm of uncertainty.

Why did his memory seem at odds with what he was learning?

Where had his mentor, the near cause of the schism, vanished to?

Every hour that passes brings with it two questions for every one answer he manages to pry out from the Koronus Expanse. But the teasing taste of insight into this erudite mystery pushes him on. What might be at the end of this road: the master he forsook in trying to keep the peace or a new revelation that might shake the dogma that has long dominated his life? Only time will tell.

Strength of Steel

Of the multitude that serve within the august ranks of the Adeptus Mechanicus are the Tech-Priests, the official clergy of the Machine Cult and direct servants of the Omnissiah in their eternal quest for knowledge. They possess many strange, unique abilities that derive from their knowledge, their technology, their dogma and the odd connection they have with the ill-understood machine spirits that inhabit all of mankind’s technologies. And Pasqal is a Magos, a high-ranking eminent member of this metal order.

This grants him numerous special traits and a unique action courtesy of a vaunted Tech-Priest Origin, such as Part-Machine and the Machine Spirit Communion action.

Part-Machine 2: This creature gains +2 deflection, +20 armour, and suffers −10% to dodge.

Machine Spirit Communion: All weapons in a huge area gain additional effects:
Allies' Weapons: Recoil is reduced by half for Tech-Priest's INT bonus rounds. Enemies suffer a −(2 × INT bonus)% penalty to dodge for (1 + INT bonus) rounds.
Enemies' Weapons: Recoil is increased by half for Tech-Priest's INT bonus rounds. Allies gain +(2 × INT bonus)% increased dodge for (1 + INT bonus) rounds. 

Beyond this is Pasqal’s warfare specialization, that of the Operator and studying the enemies of the Omnissiah so he might better bring death to His enemies. This is similar to Idira, and it grants him the Analyse Enemies and Exploit unique actions.

Analyse Enemies: The Operative targets one enemy within 10 cells from the Operative. That target immediately gains +(1 + INT bonus / 2) exploits.

Pasqal Haneumann Screenshots & Art

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